Pre-School at Chestnuts Day Nursery

Our staff are experienced in working with this age range of children and understand the importance of encouraging their learning by providing many opportunities for children to explore, ask questions, enjoy activities and socialise with other children. Experiences are always varied so that children can enjoy and explore different materials and resources, with everything easily accessible to the children so they can follow their own interests. Skilled staff can then help them build upon these experiences. We provide a balance of adult-led activities, such as stories and “circle-time”, with child-initiated play, ensuring children can take the initiative in their own learning.
Children are offered a wide range of activities to give experience of number, shape and colour, to strengthen manipulative skills, and foster imaginative and cooperative play. A great choice of construction materials, sand and water play, play dough, and opportunities for activities with glue, paint, and cooking are offered. There is a generous supply of books and a cosy corner for stories, rhymes and conversation.